April 27, 2018

3, 2, 1... ACTION!

Hello again everyone!!
In the last post I told you that I was going to explain the process of creating a video project ... well let's go!

As I said, the first thing we had to do is plan and sequence the video project through a STORYBOARD. Once done, the following is to record the scenes with their respective characters following the proposed script.

When we go to record, we have to use a green background (chroma) to be able to edit the videos after their recording. For this background, we can use a green wall, some green fabrics or some cards of that color, since it will allow us to introduce special effects to our videos.
The recording was carried out with the camera of a mobile phone, so it is not necessary to have professional video cameras.
Following the script of our storyboard we recorded the sequences one by one.

After this, the most laborious moment arrives, since the video editing is more complicated because you have to have an acceptable handling of the use of editing programs.
Below I will show you several tools that will be very useful:

--> MOVIE MAKER (windows)
--> iMovie (IOS)

In my case, I used the iMovie tool since this program was by default on my computer, it is also very easy to use. Once the program is installed, we must add our recorded videos and insert the images, backgrounds and sounds that we want. Do not forget that both images and sound must be free of Copyright.
Once this process is finished, the video will be ready to be visualized and used in a didactic way in our classes.

As an example, I am going to show you the video project carried out with my classmates Maria Monje and Cristina Cano with whom I worked cooperatively in this project. This video project has been developed with the aim that the students of fourth grade of primary education learn the content of the subject of Social Sciences, within the theme of the arrival of the Roman Empire in Hispania.

Our students of the fourth grade must know how to identify the cultural legacy that the romans left us in Spain: infrastructures (bridges, aqueduct or roads), language such as latin, legislation (Roman laws) and religion (Christianity). In addition, they must know how to identify some remaining that Roman left us, such as Mérida, Segóbriga or the Segovia Aqueduct.

--> --> --> Click HERE to watch the video project <-- <-- <--

I hope you liked it
see you soon!!

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