April 27, 2018

Do you know # TWIMA8?

Hello everyone!

Today we are going to try to talk about the experiences that we live throughout our life. As we know, some of them are very rewarding, but unfortunately others are not so rewarding. So that expressing those experiences and feelings helps us to free ourselves and above all to share them with other people since with our stories they could help them in some way.

For this reason, I am going to talk about Flipgrid. It is a social learning platform that allows teachers and students to interact using video. Through this tool, teachers and students share ideas and learn together. It is very easy to use and people who are on this platform can record videos with a maximum of 5 minutes the stories you want, you can also edit your videos, adding very funny effects.
#Twima8 is the name of a project within The world is my audience, focused for students and teachers to share interesting stories or aspects of their lives.

I have also joined this project, since I want to share with the whole world my experience as a teacher and above all the fact that it changed my life and I decided to dedicate myself to teaching. 

Here I leave my video and I hope you like it.

My first impression of this platform has been great, since I had a lot of fun listening to stories from other users and colleagues ...
I think that as a teacher we can use this tool in the classroom for our students to present projects, carry out activities or simply so that they can express themselves in some way.
I am delighted with it and I will continue participating and uploading more videos.

Here we can watch all the people who participate in this project. It is awesome to hear each one of the stories ...

I hope you liked this post and do not forget to share this great project on social networks, I used TWITTER with the hashtag #twima8

see you soon!!

3, 2, 1... ACTION!

Hello again everyone!!
In the last post I told you that I was going to explain the process of creating a video project ... well let's go!

As I said, the first thing we had to do is plan and sequence the video project through a STORYBOARD. Once done, the following is to record the scenes with their respective characters following the proposed script.

When we go to record, we have to use a green background (chroma) to be able to edit the videos after their recording. For this background, we can use a green wall, some green fabrics or some cards of that color, since it will allow us to introduce special effects to our videos.
The recording was carried out with the camera of a mobile phone, so it is not necessary to have professional video cameras.
Following the script of our storyboard we recorded the sequences one by one.

After this, the most laborious moment arrives, since the video editing is more complicated because you have to have an acceptable handling of the use of editing programs.
Below I will show you several tools that will be very useful:

--> MOVIE MAKER (windows)
--> iMovie (IOS)

In my case, I used the iMovie tool since this program was by default on my computer, it is also very easy to use. Once the program is installed, we must add our recorded videos and insert the images, backgrounds and sounds that we want. Do not forget that both images and sound must be free of Copyright.
Once this process is finished, the video will be ready to be visualized and used in a didactic way in our classes.

As an example, I am going to show you the video project carried out with my classmates Maria Monje and Cristina Cano with whom I worked cooperatively in this project. This video project has been developed with the aim that the students of fourth grade of primary education learn the content of the subject of Social Sciences, within the theme of the arrival of the Roman Empire in Hispania.

Our students of the fourth grade must know how to identify the cultural legacy that the romans left us in Spain: infrastructures (bridges, aqueduct or roads), language such as latin, legislation (Roman laws) and religion (Christianity). In addition, they must know how to identify some remaining that Roman left us, such as Mérida, Segóbriga or the Segovia Aqueduct.

--> --> --> Click HERE to watch the video project <-- <-- <--

I hope you liked it
see you soon!!

STORYBOARD as the first step for a project!!

Hello everyone!!

In this new post I will explain how to present an idea of a video project.
As you know, every final project has a previous work that must be planned and structured so that the final product is correctly presented. The use of graphic scripts is essential to plan video projects.
For this reason, during this post I am going to show you how a video project is made to present it in the classroom to our students.

The graphic scripts are the plans of a digital story that consist of a series of frames with drawings and details about how we are going to organize our story. In addition, we can add additional information such as sound, special effects, narration, so that the more complete the storyboard, the easier it will be for us to assemble the video.

To carry out this project, it is necessary to count on the help of partners since working cooperatively we can elaborate a final product of more quality because the participation of all is essential.

First of all we must create a collaborative GOOGLE DOC. where we can work together as we have seen in previous posts. This document can design our own template to plan the project or use the tool  STORYBOARDTHAT, since it is very easy to work with it.

But... What's in the storyboard?


In my opinion, through this type of activity, students must work as a team cooperatively taking into account the topic that is being studied. For this reason, the teacher will be the guide in the teaching-learning process. In addition, this type of activities encourages the use of new technologies by acquiring skills for their management in future projects.

Below and by way of example, I'm going to show you the storyboard carried out with two partners Maria Monje and Cristina Cano. Cooperatively we have organized ourselves so that this project can be carried out in the future, which will be seen in the next post.

That's the whole storyboard, click HERE to have a look!

I hope you liked it!! Do not miss the next post!!

See you soon!

let's be digitally competent!!

Hello again guys!

In this new post I am going to talk about a very interesting topic such as online training.
As you know, nowadays we find ourselves with a generation of people who are able to learn new contents through new technologies, since new technologies offer us a facility and comfort to make new learnings adapted to our needs. For this reason it is very interesting to know this type of learning and know how we can carry it out.

Last Tuesday, April 24, I attended an online conference called Mobile Learning and Digital Competence for Education it was a webinar carried out by Maria Jesus Garcia San Martin where I could learn about the training courses for teachers offered by the Ministry of Education through of INTEF and its portfolio of Digital Competence for Education, this portfolio offers the possibility of training teachers through their courses.

This portfolio is a learning instrument to know and improve the digital competence of teachers, it serves to promote the acquisition, development and improvement of the Digital Teacher Competence. To achieve this digital competence, teachers have to do a self-assessment and the updatable record of teaching, learning and training experiences.

For this there is a Common Framework of Digital Competence which is composed of five areas of competence:
area 1: Information and information literacy
area 2: Communication and collaboration
area 3: Creation of digital content
area 4: Safety
area 5: Troubleshooting

These are divided into 21 structured competencies in six competency levels A1 and A2 (basic); B1 and B2 (medium); C1y C2 (advanced).
To achieve this goals, Aprende INTEF offers different online digital training resources.

--> MOOC: It is a type of open, massive and online training aimed at social learning through the addition, creation and remixing of content. It has an approximate duration of between 3-5 weeks. Focused on active methodologies, emerging pedagogy, peer learning, professional learning communities.

--> NOOC: Open nanoexperiences in collaboration focused on the development of digital teaching competencies. It allows participants the opportunity to explore, learn and be evaluated on a key competency, skill or area. They are open for 10 days, but the materials remain available for later use.

--> SPOOC: They are online self-learning experiences, once they are open you can access them whenever you want, since there is no specific duration and they are always available. You can get the digital badges once the objectives are achieved.

--> EDUPILLS: It is a free mobile application of self training focused on the acquisition and development of skills, skills and digital skills in a simple and fast from mobile devices. The completion of an EducaPills itinerary will award a digital badge. Through this application, you can share your achievements in social networks and mark your self-education pills in the topics that interest you.

Thanks to this type of applications we can train digitally in a constant way and above all at our own pace, since it is one of the great advantages it offers us.

I believe that as new technologies evolve today, teachers should be digitally competent and learn to handle all kinds of digital tools, since they are a very powerful resource and this can be taken to our classes.

So I encourage you to start self-assessment through your portfolio and little by little to go along with the different levels of the common framework of digital competence.

I hope you liked this post and ...

see you soon!!

April 20, 2018

Little storytellers!!

Hello friends, I'm already here again!

During this new post we will work with a very useful resource such as the use of podcasts in the classroom.

The use of podcasts in language teaching can be very useful as it is an opportunity to significantly increase the amount of real oral input the student receives.
In the case of the English language in particular, with such a chaotic pronunciation system, the possibility of listening and reading the transcription at the same time produces an obvious improvement in the oral productions of the students.

For this reason we will develop a project to take it to the classroom using the podcast, then I will explain the development of this:
Next I leave the welcome audio for my students and as an example a playlist to encourage and motivate them.

--> In the first place, we must have an organization and a structure of the project that we are going to carry out. For that we can use the google drive application that allows us to create documents in the cloud and share them with our students. In this google doc. We will find a planing in which the organization of our project is visulized, so that our students will know the work script.

--> Once we have our planning, we have organized our students in groups, we have chosen the readings and everything is well prepared, we started with the podcast recordings. For this we will use several tools or applications that will allow us to record and edit our audios.
These are some applications (audacity, soundcloud, hokusai), although there are many more. And we can even use the recorders of our mobile devices and then upload them to the network.

-->After this, it is time to upload our audios to the network. For this we have used sound cloud since it is a platform that allows us to make recordings in the cloud, upload audios, promote them and share them. The audio tracks that we record or upload can be labeled, categorized, shared on social networks and organized into playlists.

For this reason we have used this platform which will be our audiolibrary and we will upload all the podcasts of our students. So they will be shared in a public playlist, so that all the students of our school can listen to them.




I hope you liked it and it will help you.

see you soon!!

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Hello again everyone! In this post let's take a look at the entire trajectory of the blog. To begin, I have to say that thanks to the...