Today we are going to try to talk about the experiences that we live throughout our life. As we know, some of them are very rewarding, but unfortunately others are not so rewarding. So that expressing those experiences and feelings helps us to free ourselves and above all to share them with other people since with our stories they could help them in some way.
For this reason, I am going to talk about Flipgrid. It is a social learning platform that allows teachers and students to interact using video. Through this tool, teachers and students share ideas and learn together. It is very easy to use and people who are on this platform can record videos with a maximum of 5 minutes the stories you want, you can also edit your videos, adding very funny effects.
#Twima8 is the name of a project within The world is my audience, focused for students and teachers to share interesting stories or aspects of their lives.
I have also joined this project, since I want to share with the whole world my experience as a teacher and above all the fact that it changed my life and I decided to dedicate myself to teaching.
Here I leave my video and I hope you like it.
My first impression of this platform has been great, since I had a lot of fun listening to stories from other users and colleagues ...
I think that as a teacher we can use this tool in the classroom for our students to present projects, carry out activities or simply so that they can express themselves in some way.
I am delighted with it and I will continue participating and uploading more videos.
I have also joined this project, since I want to share with the whole world my experience as a teacher and above all the fact that it changed my life and I decided to dedicate myself to teaching.
Here I leave my video and I hope you like it.
My first impression of this platform has been great, since I had a lot of fun listening to stories from other users and colleagues ...
I think that as a teacher we can use this tool in the classroom for our students to present projects, carry out activities or simply so that they can express themselves in some way.
I am delighted with it and I will continue participating and uploading more videos.
Here we can watch all the people who participate in this project. It is awesome to hear each one of the stories ...
I hope you liked this post and do not forget to share this great project on social networks, I used TWITTER with the hashtag #twima8
see you soon!!